Prasaga Launches First Blockchain Operating System


Prasaga has put together a collaborative community of developers, miners, and token bearers across all social media and platforms.

We all have our favorite digital hangouts, and in Prasaga we want to make it easy to find like-minded community members wherever you are in the world .

The Prasaga eXtensible Block Object Model enables supply chains to build a digital line of communication and object-oriented data sharing mechanism between vendors and suppliers. By creating an auditable and immutable proof and certification chain that not only reduces risk in the final product, but allows for a more open and accessible value chain.
In a world of the automotive industry, where the end product has honest safety implications for the user, this burden of proof falls largely on the original equipment manufacturer. This task is further complicated by consumerism and the desire to offer virtually endless choice over the final product.
As of now, there are limited and insufficient ways to track all of these configurations, making it nearly impossible when you want an image or historical audit trail across the entire supply chain. This is the complexity that Blockchain's Extensible Block Object Model provides a solution for.

Key Market Use Cases

Our technology platform is a comprehensive framework that enables companies and individuals to maximize the impact of data generated by smart industrial and commercial devices on Internet objects. It is the basic infrastructure that forms the basis of communication between cells and devices. Open communication standards providing a common language for all smart devices. An organization that manages the acceptance of smart cities, industries and people. And markets that allow the secure and real-time exchange of anonymous data.

With the messaging technology installed in Prasaga, any IoT smart device can communicate securely and initiate the transmission of data streams. Once this data is available in the market, anyone can purchase it. These may be AI and machine learning companies with their own algorithms, cities that want to be better, and buildings that are looking for ways to be more efficient. The data network does what the electronic data network does. It provides a way to transfer data faster so that everyone can access it according to the same standards.

The data network provides new opportunities for blockchain collaboration and, finally, aggregated data to send messages to service companies and individuals. They can sell their data securely and anonymously, so they can make a profit for those who need it rather than stacking it in a cell. This will lead to a new generation of innovation around IoT device data usage. In the future, AI will need reliable data from vehicles, refrigerators, or factories to improve life and performance.

One of our blockchain technology offerings is the "award winning software" public license for our messaging technology to exchange data about building blocks. From the logistics supply chain to the entire market, our team has extensive experience and relationships to create opportunities. To understand these usage issues, we provide detailed information about the industry and the use of our technology.

Data Produced by IoT Devices isn’t Being Utilized

For the Internet of Things to offer real value at any level, the data produced must be used. In other words, if the data is simply created and stored, it does not add any value. Cities can collect all the sensor data they want, but if they don't use and apply that data to make improvements, they can hardly be called smart cities. Many local governments and most companies aren't aware of the potential cost savings, creating synergies, and other benefits of connected devices, so the data is there. And since all of this data is seen as an asset to protect, there is very little to do.

This storage in silos hurts data-consuming companies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning companies. Their algorithms require massive amounts of correct and complete data to produce meaningful output. Since the algorithms will support many of our future "smart" initiatives, it is vitally important that they can get the right data at the right time. Unfortunately, much of the data used is historical. There is currently no way for such a company to take advantage of the real-time data streams that it does not own. All this data in real time is wasted in warehouses or disposed of.

To realize the smart future that has been presented to us, it is important that IoT device data be shared with companies that need to solve problems To continuously improve the quality of life of its residents. Better Traffic, Improved Public Transportation, Less Crime, Less Carbon Emissions and Lower Operating Costs for Local Government Services. All this is possible when sharing data.

Independent devices

Intelligent IoT devices that can communicate with each other are able to manage themselves without human intervention. For example, the X-ray machine in the assembly line can start to shutdown the entire assembly line if it detects faults in the work done upstream by the welding machine. This can save human hours, countless materials, and increase profitability.

Greater labor force productivity

Prasaga encourages automation that increases workforce productivity. Means connecting IoT devices together and allowing them to communicate with less time for the menial tasks of humans. So, attention can be focused on value-added business and decision making.

Supply Chain Integrity

Transparency is imperative to building meaningful relationships. Record information that is verifiable and transparent. Interactions between many different groups, such as producers, manufacturers, carriers, standards organizations, vendors, and consumers can be transparently recorded. This allows accredited parties to share information in order to build digital ecosystems that provide greater visibility into production standards across different sectors.

Smart industry

Companies that take advantage of Prasaga can achieve significant cost savings. Assembly lines can be improved based on real-time data, farmers can obtain timely soil and meteorological data to make better planting decisions, and buildings can use external data to make HVAC, plumbing and lighting systems more efficient and cost-effective.

New revenue streams

Prasaga creates new opportunities for profit by allowing owners of IoT smart devices to sell the data that those devices produce. A person can, for example, choose a grocery company to sell their refrigerator data.

Smart cities and smart industry
The term "smart city" is often associated with the potential of the Internet of Things. Conjures up images of autonomous flying cars, crime prevention style of minority report, retina scanning for identification, directions on sidewalks, and host

Another innovation we only read about in science fiction novels.

Bitcointalk Username: hamza7300

Telegram Username: @Faizan1122

Bitcointalk url:;u=2805004

Wallet address (eth): 0x00A25F772E72401122211fd02FF64eECa3dC15Fd


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