EcoWatt - The Climate Change Token


What is EcoWatt? 

EcoWatt is a socially-disapproved cutting edge environmentally friendly power organization that means to upset the environmentally friendly power energy market by making the primary effectively open local area driven sustainable power organization committed to giving clean efficient power energy to the world. 

EcoWatt is setting up a sustainable power stage and giving the EcoWatt Token, this makes it workable for the local area to get to power markets in the EU, put resources into environmentally friendly power resources, and make the foundation fundamental for shared exchanging of energy. 

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Mission of EcoWatt 

The objective of the EcoWatt stage is to make the main self-supporting local area driven sustainable power proprietor/engineer on the planet. Being driven by the local area will permit the EcoWatt group to settle on choices that worth social and environmental effect higher than conventional investor requests. 

EcoWatt consolidates environmentally friendly power experts, with Blockchain specialists and social effect business people. Separately and collectively, they have fabricated enormous scope wind and sunlight based plants in a few European nations over the most recent 20 years. By utilizing the blockchain, EcoWatt empowers financial backers, networks, and people to take an interest in sustainable power projects and works with a decentralized commercial center for environmentally friendly power resources. 

What is EcoWatt Token? 

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EcoWatt is local token being use on the EcoWatt environment. The EcoWatt Token gets its basic belief from actual income producing environmentally friendly power resources. The EcoWatt arrangement is an ERC20 consistent T-Rex token created by Tokeny and is delivered on the Polygon Network on top of the Ethereum blockchain. 

Use of Token: 

  1. Token worth gets from an actual income creating model of environmentally friendly power sources gives the Token an anticipated stable worth and pay, that increments as the resource portfolio backing become bigger. 
  2. On top of the resource sponsorship and advantage of an income share, the Token will open extra utility as the portfolio becomes bigger and procures more pay. 
  3. Later on, this resource support will permit the EcoWatt to offer minimal expense liquidity loaning answers for local area individuals who stake their tokens 

The pre-loaded charge card permits individuals to spend their income crypto-based profit uninhibitedly in huge number of stores straightforwardly. 


The EcoWatt Token derives its core value from physical revenue generating renewable energy assets. This gives the Token a predictable stable value and income, that increases as the asset portfolio backing grows larger. On top of the asset backing and benefit of a revenue share, the Token will unlock additional utility as the portfolio grows larger and earns more income. In the future, this asset backing will allow the EcoWatt to offer low-cost liquidity lending solutions to community members who stake their tokens as well as a pre-paid debit card that allows members to spend their earnings crypto based earnings freely in thousands of stores directly.


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Proof of stake mining

  • 1 billion Tokens mined by acquiring renewable energy assets
  • 1 token mined equals 1 Watt Power of renewable energy assets installed.

Asset backed Security

  • An appreciating store of value backed by real world revenue generating assets.
  • Income from Hodl & Staking rewards backed by real world revenue generating   assets.
  • Liquidity
  • Token collateral unlocks credit card payment feature
  • Token collateral enables low-cost lending access 


  • Exclusive access to community discounts
  • Exclusive access to future projects
  • Exclusive vote on social impact projects 

Bragging rights Impact

  • 750.000 Tons of CO2 will be saved annually by renewable assets.
  • 2 million trees will be planted annually.


Token Name:  EcoWatt (ECW) 

Total Supply: ECW 

Block-chain: Ethereum via the Polygon (Matic) Network

The EcoWatt Token will be offered by means of the Tokeny controlled EcoWatt stage and will be later accessible at chosen trades. Token mining requires a balanced proportion of 1 Token being supported by 1 Watt of Power. To accomplish this, EcoWatt has orchestrated two financing adjusts prior to progressing into a free liquidity pool for local area individuals to buy limited Token cases. 

The EcoWatt Platform 

The EcoWatt stage is the passageway for the local area to take an interest and draw in with the local area and the biological system. Here, individuals will approach pertinent data, refreshes and have a solid trustless system to get to a developing cluster of administrations, items, and venture openings just as oversee and exchange their tokens effectively and quickly with different individuals shared. 

All the more significantly, the stage gives admittance to the liquidity mining pool, utility highlights, admittance to local area limits, and future tasks. Utilizing the Wallet, individuals can give liquidity to get limited Token cases just as purchase and exchange tokens on the Tokeny distributed stage. 

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The EcoWatt Ecosystem 

  1. Holding and Staking Rewards: Hodl and Staking rewards are determined day by day after an underlying lock-up time of 3 months. Settlement happens quarterly after the revealing timetable of the trust and stable coin rewards are paid straightforwardly to the symbolic holder wallet. 
  2. EcoWatt Lending Platform: EcoWatt stage will open a loaning highlight that gives fiat advances against EcoWatt Token security. Minimal expense credits will be made accessible for all individuals who stake their coins, just as give minimal expense advances to environmentally friendly power and social effect projects. 
  3. EcoWatt Payment Cards: A pre-loaded check card will be made accessible that empowers cardholders to spend balances that are connected to the EcoWatt Wallet versatile application. The objective is to give high liquidity to the local area and incorporate crypto arrangements in regular daily existence. 
  4. Local area Governance: EcoWatt needs to give a voice to the local area and will boost them to take an interest in project distinguishing proof and decision on friendly and environmental effect projects. The people group will decide on friendly effect projects introduced by the Trust and chose outsiders and add to a cleaner, greener, and more feasible world. To take an interest in local area based exercises, a part should stake a predetermined % of their EcoWatt Tokens. 

All the above highlights are available through a customized dashboard that is effectively open and requires no information on the best way to utilize crypto trades. 

The energy area is an unmistakable illustration of an application with extremely encouraging likely advantages from the execution of blockchain innovation; numerous entertainers included, middle people, and exchanges - both physical and computerized. Blockchain innovation offers exceptional benefits as far as security, recognizability, and certainty/straightforwardness among the organization members. It is a troublesome instrument that offers a way to finish advancement and decentralization of energy markets. 

The EcoWatt Token is the first liking stable coin sponsored by certifiable actual resources that offer resource upheld security, store of significant worth, reward income, and monetary utility while driving natural and social effect.

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Proof Of Author

➡️Bitcointalk Username: talha2284808

➡️Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2887818

➡️Wallet: 0x4d3b5EBF6eae495A140DB8992D7715c056dC95a8


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