Exchange with smart security (ByteDex)

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An exchange (centralized or decentralized or hybrid) is a platform that allows users to easily exchange, trade, sell or trade crypto assets to other assets or to fiat currencies.

A centralized exchange is an exchange platform where decisions, governance and regulations are carried out by a consolidated authority while a decentralized exchange is an exchange platform where the platform users dominate the governance of the platform; it enables direct P2P of crypto asset transactions with third party intervention.

The hybrid exchange has many features of a decentralized exchange with some parts of the exchange built with the technical know-how of both centralized and decentralized exchanges. Some of the features on a hybrid exchange show some of the features of a centralized system.

However, there are many exchange platforms with lots of features to offer the traders and crypto holders but recently the exchanges have presented the traders and crypto holders with some major challenges which include; high transaction fees, low security level, slow transaction processing. These challenges have caused many setbacks in terms of exchange. People need a decentralized exchange that will make trading, exchange and other financial operations easy, efficient, fast, and an exchange platform where minimal fees are charged on the transactions made.

ByteDex is a half and half blockchain based trading using noncustodial crypto wallet that takes some of the spotlight on concentrated trading to offer its clients a better kind of assistance.

We can call ByteDex trading a hex trade that doesn't hold your assets. Clients associate with trading with non-custodial wallets and exchanging a secure climate. ByteDex trades using alternative techniques that make it possible to handle ethereum, sharp chain finance and the Tron network simultaneously. Crossover trading has a lot of highlights from decentralized trading to a specific part of the trade working with the special capabilities of merged and decentralized trading.

Some of ByteDex's features:

  • Liquidity Solution
  • ByeteDex ByteDex
  • Dapps Token launcher
  • ByteDex
  • Coin OTC Platform
  • ByteDex Broker
  • ByteDex ByteDex Wallet
  • Payments & banknotes

Fast, easy & powerful byte exchange with an average trade execution time of 1-3 seconds and trading volume at NASDAQ exchange rates. Users can trade with non-custodial wallets without worrying about interruptions in their transactions.

Bytedex Exchange uses a new design that limits us from working with Ethereum, Binance Smartchain, and Tron Networks at the same time. ByteDex has a Dex wallet called ByteW. ByteW is a multisign wallet like trust wallet that customers can connect with our exchange and work on there 3 blockchain networks at the same time through sharp and sophisticated understanding tasks. Also in Bytedex Exchange, "ByteDex Brokers" is another component that a capable shipper may need especially where they provide capable trade organization to their customers who choose to use customer resources in customer resources.

In addition, we offer BYTEDEX Token holders the opportunity to get compensated for showing their tokens on the ByteDex exchange up to %50 APY as indicated by their total and check time. ByteDex has inventive theoretical thinking, around completion of this year, all features will be done as written in white paper. Until additional notice, our exchange will open on July 31st.

ByteDex Ecosystem

OTC Platforms

ByteDex offers a kind of escrow service as well as records all transactions on the blockchain. In an OTC transaction, the money is sent first and then the exchange of crypto assets takes place. In this context, ByteDex checks money has been deposited in the desired amount and records it. The Crypto Asset Owner sends the requested amount of the crypto asset to the buyer. This process is recorded on the blockchain. When a transaction occurs, ByteDex transfers the cost of the crypto asset deposited to the seller. In this way, transactions are carried out securely and at the same time, the validity of transactions made with transaction records in the blockchain is proven by both parties.

ByteDex Broker

ByteDex Brokers allows people who specialize in Crypto asset trading to provide brokerage services to people who do not have sufficient experience in the crypto asset market. In this way, users can get better benefits from the crypto asset market with experience and knowledge of good brokers. Users can choose between brokers registered on ByteDex with a reciprocal negotiation method or traders who have provided brokerage services can start serving their customers directly on ByteDex. Under no circumstances shall the Brokerage transfer funds to another account. The profit rate earned by the broker is automatically sent to the exchange wallet at the rate they agree with the user at the close of each transaction.

Byte Wallet (ByteW)

Byte Wallet is a type of DEX wallet inherited from the Stellar ecosystem decentralized wallet concept. ByteW does not contain crypto assets but displays your information and crypto assets embedded in the ByteDex blockchain and allows you to perform transactions on the blockchain via ByteW in an integrated manner with the ByteDex exchange. It is impossible to hack or steal crypto assets because they do not contain crypto assets in the wallet.

Payments and Fiat Money

ByteDex Exchange has 3 different payment points, and you will be able to transfer fiat money from all credit and debit cards to your wallet. Visa and Maestro enabled cards will be distributed to ByteDex users and you will be able to withdraw your cash assets on ByteDex Exchange and use them in Turkey.

What are BYTEDEX tokens?

BYTEDEX Coin is the main transaction and payment unit of the ByteDex ecosystem. BYTEDEX Token is the official trading unit of Bytedex Exchange. BYTEDEX Token has been produced in collaboration with Tron Network.

BYTEDEX Coin Utility

  • All payments in exchange will be made with BYTEDEX and will be used for commissions, prize bets and all other transactions.
  • BYTEDEX will make trading pairs with all major Crypto assets
  • Holding BYTEDEX Tokens, you will get great gifts and discounts on ByteDex Exchange.
  • Staking BYTEDEX Tokens gives stakers the ability to earn a net profit from the exchange as a reward in BYTEDEX Tokens.
  • Up to %50 of net exchange earnings will be distributed to Stakers according to the amount and period of staking.


  • Token Name: ByteDex
  • Ticker Token: BYTEDEX
  • Network: TRC-10
  • Total Supply: 1 billion Price
  • Pre-Sale Special 1 BYTEDEX = 0.01 USDT- Total Supply: 100,000,000
  • Pre-Sale Price 1 BYTEDEX = 0.02 USDT — Total Supply: 200,000,000
  • ICO Price 1 BYTEDEX= 0.03 — Total Supply: 200,000,000
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Token holder benefits

  • Holding BYTEDEX Tokens, you will get fantastic rewards and cutoff points on ByteDex Exchange.
  • Staking BYTEDEX Tokens offers stakers the ability to earn a net profit from the exchange as compensation for BYTEDEX Tokens. A total of up to %50 of the net addition of the exchange will be awarded to the Staker as indicated by stamping the whole and the bottom line.
  • The BYTEDEX token will be listed on the ByteDex exchange on July 31, 2021 from the start. Between September 2021 and January 2022 BYTEDEX will list no less than 3 different exchanges and about 5 unique exchanges in one year. Posting presentations will be customized on our website and electronic media accounts.


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Byte Exchange will be the world's first environmental exchange. Each individual gathering with at least 10,000 people has the right to choose its own environment in the country. The environment will occur at the main meeting of the Byte Exchange for apparently forever and will discuss their environment. Byte Exchange will share %20 of the full payment from the pioneer country as environmental monetary arrangement in that country as well. Political race Requirements and requirements of at least being a competitor for the environment will be announced.

Detailed Information:

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Author: hamza7300

Bitcointalk :;u=2805004

My TRC-20 Wallet : TN7LfBV9guqKNFZsNrSKgU7wYQNTn5Mnn8


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